Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Simulacra

OK.... so I have been reading..
I get the idea that " a simulacrum is not a copy of the real, but becomes truth in its own right: the hyperreal".
And I understand that 'Where Plato saw two steps of reproduction – faithful and intentionally distorted (simulacrum) — Baudrillard sees four: (1) basic reflection of reality, (2) perversion of reality; (3) pretence of reality (where there is no model); and (4) simulacrum, which "bears no relation to any reality whatsoever"' (and sorry this is from Wiki)

Except... what is number (3) - p"retence of reality... where there is no model".  How does this fit in? Where and when?  Is anyone able to give me an answer here?

I shall read to try and get some semblance of understanding:



  1. cannot get that second hyperlink in the correct font.... but it is working so I shall get reading

  2. The Jameson article above is eminently readable. All becomes clearer. As regards my problem above i think i need only concern myself with 1,2 and 4. General consensus seems to agree.
