Friday, August 16, 2013


Very frustrated as I am trying to get this up and running.  My first chosen guinea pig has left the cyber sphere as a reaction to my ineptitude.  My second - whom I contacted in the old-fashioned realm of Facebook messaging - suggested that my failure to go interactive may be because I had paid nothing on the first Blog site (Simple something) and recommended this one - Blogger - as being simple and FREE. 
So - I have migrated to this new Blog - copying and pasting all my previous posts and trying to share it just to see if there is anyone out there!
I am frustrated my the fact that I am expending all this energy on the mechanics and achieving nothing in terms of developing my understanding of things relevant to New Technologies and New Writings.  Proving McLuhan right any way - the message is non-existent and the medium is everything.

 I do not like the look of this as much as the other - maybe because this is free!!!!!!! Still - if it works.......


  1. I think it's looking good! Keep going Martha Marbles, it'll be worth it in the end!
    (I hope you realise, you are going to be known as 'Martha Marbles' everywhere you go now...!)

  2. Hi Jackie,

    Blogger is DEFINITELY the best online platform (and one of the most popular), especially for someone who is not the most tech savvy!

    In terms of design, I agree that it is a bit plain but this can easily be fixed by going into the settings and choosing a different theme or layout (there are lots of free ones available).

    Let me know if you need and more help.

    Good luck!

    Rory :)
